I couldn't recognize the howls yesterday. Wolves? But they were too high in pitch. The cows grazing nearby appeared unconcerned. These days I seem to go to You Tube when I want quick information on something, rather than Wikipedia. I wanted to hear sounds of coyotes and wolves, rather than move my eyeballs over a pile of verbiage, or worse yet, jargon. The You Tube recordings of coyotes did sound similar to what I heard here. It was howl-like rather than the high pitched yipping that I am used to. Do Wyoming or northern coyotes sound different than the scrawny coyotes of the Southwest? Northern coyotes seems less famished and bushier than those of the southwest, but would they sound different? I don't get it.
Early retirement, mainstream-media-free, bicycling, classic books & history, RV camping, and dogs.