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Shouldn't Pro-Genocide Party Wait For Next President?

 It just keeps getting harder and harder to be a geopolitical analyst. (Grin.)

Charlie Chaplin in the "Great Dictator"

Why does Israel seem so intent on escalating into a regional war right now, this summer?  Perhaps they are trying to take advantage of a power vacuum, an interregnum, in Washington DC.  Perhaps they hope to incite the Republican and Democrat parties into a bidding war over who can provide the best support of Israel.

This is a surprise to me.  If I were the genocider-in-chief of Israel, I would hold off until there is a new president, especially if he is Trump.  It is possible that most of the pro-Ukraine media in NATO countries will admit in late summer or autumn that Ukraine has lost the war.  And that should make it easier for Trump to pull the plug on the war.  He can remind everybody that he was opposed to the Ukraine War all along, that it is a humiliation to NATO, and that it was a big waste of American money.  

(On the other hand, if there is still hope for the Ukrainians in January, then Trump might be reluctant to end American involvement on "his watch.")

If Trump ends American involvement quickly, then he can ride to the rescue of Israel by quickly shifting many billions of dollars of weapons.  That should enrapture the Republicans.


Barb in FL said…
I would love to like everything about a candidate but DJT has too many ties to Israel for my comfort. It's seems they run our government with dual citizens, almost the whole administration, the FED/banks, etc. Even KommieLa is married to one and now I guess she's Indian/Jamaican again. LOL Never was an "African American". How rude/deceitful they didn't tell the truth. Liars. It doesn't fit their narrative.

Government has always gone overboard with Oh their our biggest ally in the ME. Yeah and take the most money from our taxpaying citizens. Warmongers. Tucker Carlson interviewed Congressman Massie and he talked about how everyone in the House has an AIPAC handler, except him. Surprise, surprise. Not long after his wife suddenly died. Sounds fishy.

The assasination attempt on Trump seems an inside job & cover-up. Our government sucks & I'm tired of it. Wish someone would hold them and the main stream media accountable for the lies. Won't hold my breath. The worst part is, so many people believe the propaganda.
Massie made some news as the only Republican who declined to attend the recent love-fest for Netanyahu at the United States Congress. I haven't heard much about him before this. He is worth paying more attention to.
Barb in FL said…
I like Massie. Watched a yt video he has about how he built his timberframe house. From cutting/milling the trees to gathering rocks which he hand chiseled all from his own property. It's absolutely gorgeous. Both he & his wife graduated from MIT & developed a virtual reality thing they sold for quite a profit. Smart man. Wish the House had 100 more like him.
Anonymous said…
Spending billions on weapons enraptures both parties, not just Republicans. Nothing will change with anything until we have a traumatic collapse and something new is rebuilt from scratch. We're way past the point of being able to make changes incrementally and with minimal pain.
You might be right, Anonymous.