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Overcoming Montana Fears

Montana is too big of a state to "waste."  But I have spent little time camping in the state because of grizzly bears.  It takes some real effort to overcome this phobia.  But I am doing it! 

It seems safer to camp on BLM grass/sagebrush than in forests, since you don't have to worry about a bear hiding behind trees and brush.  But actually, grizzlies love open areas if they have lots of rodent burrows.  BLM land is windier than forests, which hardly helps with bear spray.  

Also, every small rise in sagebrush produces a blind spot on its far side.  (For people who have seen or read "Lonesome Dove," recall what finally happens to the main character when he carelessly and overconfidently rides over the top of a small hill, with no concern for what could be on the far side.) 

I had better stop talking like this or I will lapse back into ursa-phobia!  Let me just focus on avoiding Yellowstone, Glacier national park, and the land in between the two.  Avoiding sensationalist videos on You Tube should also help.
