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Historically Important Debate

Isn't it bizarre that there actually is going to be a presidential debate tonight?  Surely, Biden will be shot up with stimulants or some other drug that makes him seem more functional.  Maybe he will wear his aviator sunglasses through the entire debate.

This brings up a strange Constitutional question.  Does the Constitution actually require a presidential candidate to be alive?  I probably don't remember the Constitution well enough from school Civics class to answer the question.  An online version of it might be available, but Google would probably censor parts of it.

It is the last remaining prejudice -- this belief that the Living have that they are superior to the Dead.  The Living also think they should have superior rights.  Housing discrimination is illegal supposedly, but notice the extreme segregation that the Dead are subjected to: cemeteries or mausoleums.  Look at the negative stereotypes in the movies about Death.  

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the Living are running an apartheid system to the detriment of the Dead.  

The Dead haven't lost on everything.  They get preferential treatment in the tax system and they have traditionally maintained a hold on their voting rights.

Why haven't the Progressives and Wokesters championed equal rights for the Dead?  They should add one more colored stripe to the Rainbow Flag. (Black?) It is high time that Life and Death are not seen as mere biology, but as social constructs.  Tonight's debate is an opportunity for the contenders to use historically-important eloquence to inspire America to a 'new birth of freedom' for the last disadvantaged demographic group, the Dead.


Ed said…
Hear, Hear! This is the most brilliant proposal that I have read since I tried to start up a non-profit organization to Stamp Out Death From Natural Causes.

The Constitution does not require that a presidential candidate be alive at the time of the election. However, Amendment XX Section 3 does make this provision.

"If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified."

I think Trump needs to announce his VP candidate as soon as possible to avoid having Congress select the next president and VP. That may have been the plan all along - assassinate Trump and then install whomever the elite want in the office.

I want a dog to run for president. Most dogs I have met make more sense than any president while I have been alive..
Barney, notice the comment from Barb in the post of 2 days ago about her problems in commenting on your blog.
Barney, You didn't say WHAT KIND of dog you want for president. I wouldn't want a chihuahua or teacup poodle. Nor would I want a pit bull, Belgian Malinois, Doberman, or Rottweiler. Nor would I want a Lab or Golden Retriever that goes around the world smiling at everything and wagging its tail.

The best might be an energetic and tenacious Cairn Terrier, that is friendly MOST, but not all, of the time.
Barb in FL said…
Thanks for passing along my message to OFM.

Well, the debate is over. Joe appeared to have an earpiece, again. He did seem to be listening to whomever was in his ear. One person in the chat I watched called out his "old man mouth". Good thing I found a channel with captions or I never would've been able to figure out what he said. Trump had trouble answering the question asked and never did say anything about childcare costs. Also good they put the questions up so you could see what he wasn't talking about. Not a bad debate. So much better than the ones last time. How many dead voters will there be this time?
Barb in FL said…
P.S. I vote for a mutt :o)