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Entertaining Fantasies of "Never Summer"

Here it is, June, and I really haven't seen more than a couple warm days so far.  So, it has been a success to come north to eastern OR and western ID early in spring.  And yet, this just encourages me to get greedy and to entertain travel-fantasies about avoiding summer altogether.

Fantasy #1: South America in June, July, and August.  I combine this 'never-summer' fantasy with the ocean adventures I like to read about or listen to audio books on.  Wouldn't it be great to head to the Magellan Strait during the northern summer months?

It didn't take long for the weather websites to disabuse me of this notion.  I don't really want cold or winter weather.  Who wants to walk around in full-finger gloves or rainsuits?  Saying that you pine for 'never-summer' does not mean you want always-winter.  What I really want is always-September/October.

But Argentina must have plenty of ranch country at a latitude of 30 degrees south that would be agreeable to me.

Who am I kidding?  Most full-time RVers would be reluctant to give up their rigs for three months, and settle for renting a van in Argentina.

Fantasy #2: I haven't RVed in Canada since my first real summer as a traveler.  That country made a great initial impression on me: I left a C$20 tip at a coffee shop the first day.  The waitress guessed that this silly Yank was not used to looking at loonies and toonies, and put the wrong bill down.  That is exactly what happened.

The next day I returned, and she refunded my C$20.  I was impressed!  So I deliberately left a C$5 tip that day.

The mosquitoes didn't bother me much as I went through British Columbia to my turnaround spot at Mile Zero of the Alaska Highway.  

I loved all the undammed rivers!

But I don't remember the altitudes being very high.  It was disappointingly warm.  I thought the infinitude of spruce and birch trees was pretty monotonous.

I would have to overcome my fear of grizzly bears, and would have to be satisfied with bear spray since Canada is anti-handgun.

Still, I can take my RV to Canada.  Maybe I gave up too easily.
