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Don't Be Fooled About the Scary Stories of War

 It has surprised me to hear all the worrying about escalation of the war with Russia.  Even the alt-media is joining in this hysteria.  It is easier to explain why the regime-media is talking about the scary story of nuclear confrontation with Russian.

Americans are shocked at prices in the grocery store and at the gas pump.  The Biden administration doesn't want those issues on the "front page" of the news.  Nor does it want people talking about how Washington DC is losing an unnecessary war with Russia brought on by the stupid foreign policy of Obama and Biden.  If the Ukrainian military collapses this summer, that won't be 'good optics' for Biden.  Or what if Zelensky -- the new "Winston Churchill," the defender of Freedom and Democracy, according to the regime media of two years ago -- falls in a coup d'Ć©tat?

Scary stories about bigger war with Russia steal the oxygen from these stories.  But nothing lasts for long in political show business.  'Nuclear war with Russia' will become old as we get closer to the election.  Perhaps it can be replaced by incipient war between 'sacrosanct' Israel and Hezbollah.  Or what about some new virus -- hell, bring on bubonic plague -- in autumn.  Or Ebola.  Or some new virus that we have never heard of before.  But it shouldn't sound like Covid. 


Anonymous saidā€¦
It's not worth worrying about a total nuclear war. They aren't survivable for most of us. Everyone should be concerned that the US, UK, and France are now providing long range bombs to Ukraine that are already striking within Russia. It requires US/UK/FR advisors to target and launch those weapons. Pretty soon, those advisors will start being targeted by Russia and some of them will be killed. Kind of like how Vietnam started and escalated. A hot war with Russia will draw in China and give them a great opportunity to finally take Taiwan. It's not far fetched to think that we could find ourselves in a war that uses tactical nuclear weapons. our "leaders'" really believe that nuclear weapons can be deployed on a limited basis. A conflict like that will be the final straw that leads to the collapse of the US economically, politically, and culturally. It would be an excellent reason to suspend the election this Fall, enact martial law, and clamp down on how we are allowed to live. All of that is worth worrying about enough to visualize what your life will look like and what you can do in your life to prepare. Just off the top of my head, I would say that the "full time RV lifestyle" will no longer be an option in that scenario. Scared? No. Unsurprised and ready if it happens? Yes. In the meantime, just enjoy what we have and have had!
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
A small piece of the electorate will decide that it is "not good to change horses in mid-stream." Think of FDR in 1940 and 1944. I forgot to mention that in the post.