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Flunking Out of Stair Climbing

It is that time of year when a person can find a spot on a ridge with good visibility and look out onto a valley, and feel wonderfully detached from the 'normal world.'  It might bring to your mind that famous scene with Orson Welles and Joseph Cotten  in "The Third Man," at the top of the Ferris Wheel.  

I saw a strange effect the other day: puffy cumulus clouds were blocking the late afternoon sun.  They projected large shadows down onto the green valley.  Somehow this made the valley seem close and connected to me.  A good photographer might be able to present this in a convincing way.

On another note, after showing a video of my little dog's superb cattle-gate-crossing skills, I decided to take her up a fire watchtower.  These things are usually pretty dilapidated since they aren't used anymore.  I forgot how steep the stairs are: they are halfway between normal stairs and a ladder.

I guess she said, "I draw the line at vertical cattle gates!"  Well, I didn't really want to climb those rickety wooden stairs anyway, so we just relaxed:


Anonymous said…
No big steps for Little One...she made up her mind!
Anon, she went up two steps, stopped, and posed for the second video!