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Mocking Religion on the Football Field

One needn't be religious to appreciate the importance of the religious imagination to history and to an individual's mental ecology. We have a capability and tendency to construct an internal mental world which is more congenial than the objective world. This also explains the importance of poetry, comedy, sentimentalism, romanticism, or art in general. Wishful thinking is a big part of what we are. It can be a constructive thing if managed carefully.

So regardless of your religious or atheistic views, how do you feel about Tebow and other athletes pointing towards heaven or publicly praying at sporting events? I find it distasteful. How could a so-called religious person trivialize his own Faith like that?

Imagine some parents praying and carrying on like fools before their son's pee-wee hockey team hits the ice. Did it ever occur to them that somebody on the opposite team has the same faith as they do? If so, whose team is the Deity, the Author of the Universe, the Architect of the Cosmos, supposed to wave his pom-poms for?

As degrading as this type of behavior is to people's professed Faith, it is easy to explain: God and Country. God is behind our Army. The Devil sticks for the Enemy. Despite building a political-economic structure based on Permanent War, some Americans still need the outlet of Mock War, sports, to give them an adequate chance to make idiots of themselves.


Martin saidā€¦
Amen brother - could not have said any better
TomInBellaVista saidā€¦
White, Evangelical, American Exceptionalism, the very core of Identity Politics. To the true Believers, what better way to celebrate a Victory?
Carolyn saidā€¦
Just found your blog and was talking about this last night with my son... you stated exactly what we said ...

Don't mind if he's religious ... don't mind if he prays but he can do so with respect to others. When he has a bad play as he did last game... does he blame satan? silly stuff

Your saying --- How could a so-called religious person trivialize his own Faith like that? --- absolutely!

Same with the people who advertise their business as a Christian business...

My response is ... and?
John V saidā€¦
In New England, the spin by the preachers is that God is working on behalf of the Patriots by arranging for the dreaded Steelers to be knocked off!
Anonymous saidā€¦
First time visitor. Been following Wandrin Lloyd, To Simplify, and Box Canyon Blogs and found Boonie through them. Great find. As for above perceptions: right on. If there is a deity up there, I'm sure he has more important matters to tend to then trivial human games.

Scott in Saratoga Springs, NY
(trying to get beyond the anonymous posting title but can't figure it out)