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Mother's Day

It still feels strange to cycle in shorts instead of long pants. Could a transition from cold to hot really happen so quickly? Maybe you have to sense nature primarily through the skin to appreciate this.

At any rate, after the ride over the Continental Divide -- practically in the city limits here -- I was relaxing with a coffee at my favorite shop downtown. Swallows were putting on quite an "air show". They are real hot shots; the original "Top Guns".

About ten swallows were constructing nests at the interior corners of a concrete roof. This was the first time in my life that I've seen such a good example of this, and just think, it was Mother's Day!

How do they cling to hard and vertical concrete surfaces?

Do they have suction cups on that tail?

While facing these little hot shots and photographing the crap out of them, my back faced an interesting sculpture and water fountain. ("Interesting" to a guy who usually doesn't appreciate the arts.) A memory fluttered into my mind: sigh, what a shame that those three beautiful and wonderful females weren't here today, on Mother's Day.

On one of our many cool air/warm sun days this winter my kelpie, Coffee Girl, and I were relaxing at this same sculpture/fountain after a mountain bike ride. An attractive young mother and her 4-year-old daughter invited themselves over. The girl still had the blond hair that little gringos sometimes have, and it was curly. She was a doll, and it was obvious where she got the genes from.

Why was I being so lucky? Ahh yes, the young mother could tell that my dog was gentle and ridiculously friendly and happy. Maybe she wanted her little daughter to have a good learning experience with dogs. All three of these creatures walked around the fountain, interacting and talking with each other. I paid no attention to what was actually said, but only to how pleasing it sounded. It was as melodious as the falling water of the fountain. The warm winter sun was hitting my back and soon I relaxed into semi-conscious nothingness.

The rock sculpture was made of layered rocks that resembled a mother, father, and child. With those three lovely girls walking around the fountain, I wondered why people go to national parks or wilderness areas to be impressed with Nature. And why did I surrender so easily to the diktats of the animal shelter in having my female dog spayed?


Michael Ultra said…
I just read your "Dances" blog. Doesn't the 'little poodle' have a name? I absolutly adore poodles and have 2 of them.(also a Rotty and a Husky). The poodles are smarter than a lot of people I know.