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Desperate, Stubborn Hope Despite the World

The American political system has become so dysfunctional that ignoring it makes sense to any individual person.  Why become angry or worried about things you can't do anything about?  But there are grounds for hope.  Both Biden and Trump are old men.  They are not immortal.

It might seem self-indulgent to enjoy the speeches of a couple Irish firebrands, such as Clare Daly or Mick Wallace.  

If I did my homework on them I might find things to dislike.  But at some point you have to allow yourself a little relief from the discouragement of daily news.  Humans are not infinitely strong -- we can take only so much.  Relentless discouragement will just cause a person to tune out everything that is happening in the world.  That would hardly be a symptom of a healthy democracy. 

With the same excuse-making, I allow myself to admire the Houthis' closing of the Red Sea to Israeli ships.  They are the only Muslim neighbor of Israel that is doing anything to stop the slaughter in Gaza.  In the Arab countries in the Mideast, large numbers of people protest in the streets.  So what?  Their politicians tweek their speeches to pretend to listen to their citizens.  It means nothing.

These examples might sound pathetically humble, but at least I am trying.

I asked the internet for a visual image that expressed discouragement and desperate, stubborn hope.  It came up with a little bit.  (Most of it was childish rubbish from the Bible or the bromides of pop-psychology gurus.)  Microsoft Bing's AI Copilot came up with nothing.  Why don't cartoonists, painters, or photographers apply themselves to something that is important to the human condition, instead of "Beauty?"

Perhaps musicians are more useful.  I can think of plaintive songs of the cello that might serve the purpose.  How's the Cello Concerto of Vivaldi, featured in this You Tube clip of "Barry Lyndon?"


Anonymous saidā€¦
It will be interesting to see what happens in Argentina with their new president. Thought he was saying the right things, but then I saw him hugging zelenski. Now I'm not so sure he's just another puppet pulled by the same strings that are pulling on FJB & DJT and all the Young Global Leaders from the school of Schwab. I want to believe there is some hope that we're not doomed to repeat history. Wish more people would wake up! As far as that ME mess, how come every other country signed an agreement to stop taking land, displacing citizens and genocide, (colonization) EXCEPT israel?!
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Anonymous, there certainly WAS a lot of hype and splash about Argentina's new leader. I agree that it was suspicious to see him hugging Zelensky. And now Argentina is not going ahead with active participation in BRICS+. So whose pocket is he in?
Ed saidā€¦
kaBLOOnie, I think he is in the pocket of the IMF and World Bank therefore indirectly under the thumb of the United States. In my opinion he has picked the wrong horse to ride and will soon become the Greece of South America.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hey, Ed - Thanks for that opinion. I'm thinking you're right. Sigh...
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Ed, good comment. I wonder how long he will last?