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Avoiding Geographic Ruts

 It is funny how geographical gaps can get established in patterns of travel, even when travelers fancy themselves as having enormous freedom of choice.  And these gaps can stubbornly persist for years.

One of the mistakes I tend to make every migration season is to try to visit every place along a certain seasonal loop.  But one spot is low, while the next spot down the road is 2000 feet higher.  This spring, I am going to switch to low-altitude spots only.  This will send me north earlier, of course.  


This is amazing that you pointed out this today as last night I was having some of the same thoughts. I am in year 16 of full time Rving and it is time to make deliberate changes in my October through May playgrounds. With young grandkids in North Alabama my visit time between school seasons is June, July and parts of August and September. But the rest of the year I am free to roam un hindered.
That rut got partially kicked to pieces last spring by my eye injury in late August and the route changes that caused were a great event. So I definitely recommend your plan even if the "normal" route was fun. To all the new folks I now recommend a new general route at least every two to three years. IE swap from SW to NW and chase the new adventures.
Barney, if you got a kick out of reading about the Rut Syndrome, you can thank You Tube. You know how they suggest things that are similar to what you have looked at in the past? They did that to me the other night, with music, and it worked really well.

So I started wondering about the same approach, toward geography.