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The Right Equipment for the Southwest?

An Arizona Trail hiker taught me something the other day. He had fair skin and reddish hair and had most of his skin covered. I complimented him on his silver parasol.

He had walked several hundred miles with it and the wind hadn't destroyed it yet. Was he just lucky or does the vented design really work?

From sun grubbies .com

 It wouldn't cost much to find out. You don't think I would get laughed at? Nobody would have laughed at Eli Wallach, playing the Bandito in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" when he used his parasol in the desert.



The fool laughing at you now will be getting treated for sun cancers while we are still outside having fun.
Right you are, Barney.

I also wonder if the parasol makes you feel noticeably cooler. Well, it WILL do some good of course, but I wonder if the improvement is enough to justify the inconvenience.
There are times I use my rain umbrella as a parasol and it seems to be a noticeable improvement to direct sun hitting the old body.