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Focusing on the Important

The recent miracle of 0.25" of rain in Arizona was enjoyable, of course. What I like most about it is the chance to focus on what is most important to the world. When you do so, the secondary stuff recedes into the background. Such as temperature.

It wouldn't surprise me if people who like downsizing their physical junk also carry this over to their mental habits. A full time RVer is a pretty good example of a physical downsizer. Truly, I dislike giant piles of just about anything.

This inclination has always undermined my interest in books. They are the best example of how ridiculous a giant pile of unnecessary crap can be. 

Walking around in the mud makes you appreciate what an inch of gravel can do on a dirt road. So who needs a pile of words or a pile of books about, say, the history of technology? 

I usually have mountains to look at. So what? They are just gigantic piles of useless rubble. 
