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Imagine a World Without Wasteland

Whenever a blogger talks about the weather, it is natural for a reader to think that the blogger has nothing really to talk about today. So what is my excuse?

I walked around yesterday in a state of mild euphoria. It had rained significantly overnight. The ground was slightly muddy. The air started off uncomfortably humid -- in Arizona?! As the day progressed, it cleared up but the air stayed moderately humid.

I felt like I was walking through a thin medicinal unguent, rather than air. Imagine Neosporin turned into air. I actually liked seeing the sun!

This sort of experience only happens four or five days per year in this part of North America, so nobody can accuse me of excess repetition.

Can you imagine a weather-utopia better than getting 0.1" of slow rain overnight, say, once per week? Everything would smell good in the morning, everything would be so fresh and full of life.

