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The Genius of Political Cartoonists

In the past I have admired the talents of political cartoonists. I came across another example the other day. It was talking about the riots, of course.

It is the cartoon on the right that really stopped me dead in my tracks. Where is the cartoonist's name? How are they even getting paid? How can I fairly credit that name?

I was tempted to verbalize the cartoon, but that just robs it of its magic. It is better to let people see it, and let their imaginations add the 'caption'.


XXXXX saidā€¦

It all depends on what the viewer breathes into the art.

Last night my retriever was digging into a flower pot in an intensive and unusual way. I shooed him away only to see him a few minutes later clawing at the base of a tree that is a bit hollowed out. When I went over to investigate I could see a tail and the back of a little body obviously breathing. A few hours later, the little guy was still there. At 4:00 a.m. this morning, still there. At 7 he was still there but now turned around and I could see his little squirrel face. A baby.
Two hours later, gone. Thank goodness.
An hour after that, I'm sitting outside and, lo and behold, along the top of my fence comes mama with the little guy in her mouth, tail hanging down (same length and type so knew it was my guy). She runs along the top of the fence to the tree directly above the flower pot and drags the little guy all the way up to the top, out of my signt. He must have fallen out too soon. How she found him on the other side of my property is amazing to me.

So in the cartoon I see a testament to motherhood. Damn. They never give up. Where would we be without them?
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
George, yes the cartoon certainly says something about Motherhood. I see it, also, as a visualization of how the hard-core Left usually has a sensible liberal as an enabler.
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
George, so Mama squirrel had previously stuffed Junior in that hollow of the tree? (At the beginning of your story.)

I have seen Mama rabbit uncovering Junior from a hole, which she presumably dug and then filled in with loose dirt. Apparently Junior could breathe through through the loose dirt, and yet it protected Junior from predators.
XXXXX saidā€¦

I think he fell out of the tree and landed in the flower pot directly below it. There is a big nest up in that tree and I think that is where she was headed with him as she dragged him back up that same tree. There is so much foliage that I had a hard time seeing exactly. However, a few hours later I looked up the tree and I think I saw the little guy scampering about. Funny thing is he stopped and stared back at me.
My dog scared the heebee jeebies out of him, I'm sure, and so I think he ran from the flower pot where he fell and tried to hide in the hollowed out bottom of another tree. Nose in and tail sticking out. My dog followed him over there and was scratching at him. Being a retriever, he had no intention to hurt him and so the little guy was OK. Just scared silly and night was coming on so he stayed put till the morning.
I gather squirrels must practice their climbing and jumping skills while still basically in the nest and my guess is he missed his step and fell out. I've watched squirrels chasing each other, misstep or miss their jump and fall 20-25 feet, get up and run off.
He was somewhere near 1/3 to 1/2 her size so it was quite a sight to watch her carry him that way and climb that tall tree. I've never seen this before.