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"do svee DAH nyah" to the Democratic Media

So what happens now? Will there be an investigation of collusion between the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign with FBI employees and members of the Obama administration?

I predict there won't be a forceful investigation; in part, because of fatigue, and in part because of the mild milquetoast-ness of many Republicans.

But there may be a more sinister reason: perhaps they are afraid to investigate the FBI. The FBI's dirty tricks over the years would be brought to light, and besmirch the authority of the Central Government.

And perhaps the FBI simply has too much dirt on politicians in both parties. It would be easy for it to get revenge against Congress.

The FBI has the same position relative to the American Empire that the Praetorian Guard had to the Roman Empire, or the Janissaries had to the decaying Ottoman Empire.

Although I feel no real rage towards the Gullibles (the competitors of the Deplorables) who believed the mainstream media feeding frenzy over the last two years, there will be a long-lasting grudge against the Democrat media, personally, and I hope nationally.  


Anonymous saidā€¦

This whole thing reminds me of the Chandra Levy fiasco in 200l. The media was after Gary Condit for months simply because of the scandal effect. They ruined his political career and were never held accountable. As soon as 9/11 happened, the media had more important things to talk about and the Cary Condit angle got dropped like a hot potato. Eventually criticism emerged that important clues were overlooked at the time as the media could only focus on Condit. It's all about sensationalism. Happens all the time. People are nuts.

You know, one of the most valuable quotes you've ever put here is the one by Horace. You referred to only the first part but I looked it up and here's the whole thing: To flee vice is the beginning of virtue; and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom. Think of it: just the simple act of avoiding outright vice and folly goes a long way to virtue and wisdom.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Oh, please
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Thanks for looking up the complete quote, George.