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Summoned to the San Juans

Farmington, NM. Apparently my driveway security services really are in demand, so I'm on the way to Ouray, CO to hold down the driveway for old buddy Mark at Box Canyon Blog. It was enjoyable getting back onto the Colorado Plateau, with its characteristic mesa, butte, and cliff look. It was quite noticeable north of Quemado NM.

Noon, Silverton CO. It's fun to hear the train whistle again. It's been several years. I wonder if I should have a rematch with the Bunkhouse?

5 pm, it's nice to see the mountains again. But I appreciate the flowers and running water even more. I found a deadend gravel road to walk the dogs on. We had to cross a small stream. The water wasn't that cold; this is probably the only time of year when you can say that at 9500 feet. I had to carry my little poodle across -- with his vision and scarediness he might have been washed away!


Anonymous said…
Boonie I have been reading your blog for quite awhile. Sometimes you have a way of really confronting people. Most of the time I applaude. After you recently got back on the road in my opinion you are doing what that fertile mind of yours does best, bringing your readers excellent adventure stories along with the sharpe pics for making the point!
Anonymous said…
I have no idea why blogger does not know me? email is
Thanks marion. Perhaps your browser has script-blocker that is keeping Blogger from functioning completely.
By the way, about "confronting people", perhaps you're referring to the fact that I call 'em like I see 'em, and don't try terribly hard to be diplomatic. If I was interested in winning a popularity contest or maximizing Google ad income, I wouldn't be so uninhibited, of course. I'd stick to "positive" thoughts, i.e, banal platitudes and peppy, perky sales pitches. But people can get that elsewhere.
Anonymous said…

I hope you don't mind my having a little fun with you, after all if you are getting me to wake up my mind from a deep sleep ,going from verbal masterbation to verbal intercourse, dealing mostly with dummed downed filthy rich folks, is it not fair I get you to dig a little deeper into your mind also ?

Boonie said...
By the way, about "confronting people", perhaps you're referring to the fact that I call 'em like I see 'em, and don't try terribly hard to be diplomatic. If I was interested in winning a popularity contest or maximizing Google ad income, I wouldn't be so uninhibited, of course. I'd stick to "positive" thoughts, i.e, banal platitudes and peppy, perky sales pitches. But people can get that elsewhere.