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Traveling Alone

There are disadvantages in being a solo traveler. It is a serious topic, but somewhat long. I prefer to just nibble at the edges of this topic. There are several assets that could make life less lonely for a single traveler. For instance, a perfect salesman-like personality would help a lot. Or be a cute woman with an interesting foreign accent. Bicycle tourers attract attention and help because they don't look like the standard tourist.

Lacking any of those advantages I came up with another. Consider a recent experience. A construction worker noticed my little poodle who was doing his usual routine in the cargo trailer behind my mountain bike. We were all delighted to find out that the construction worked had once had a small poodle with the same name as mine. We had a nice chat.

I wish I had a nickel for every person who approached the little poodle and me when he was on the job in the BOB trailer behind the bicycle.  I usually ask them, considering how many horse trailers they've seen in their life, why shouldn't there be dog trailers, too? They have a friendly predisposition towards me, ask questions, and fawn over the attention-loving ragamuffin.
