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Treeing Ten Turkeys

I was surprised by an odd sound outside the trailer door.  It has been awhile since I have seen any wild turkeys.  There seemed to be about six of them, walking around in their clumsy and confused manner.

Of course the Little Cute One heard them too.  She came to the screen door and looked out curiously and then frantically.  I couldn't resist: I opened the door so she could give chase.  It was a "target-rich" environment.  She didn't quite know how to choose a target.  There must have been ten of these birds.  

It takes all they have, but those silly birds can finally get air-bound and into some low branches of nearby trees.  They seem so unbalanced and awkward when they do land on a tree branch.  How does this species survive?  Just think of all the predator species that would consider turkeys a tasty lunch!

In particular, what about grizzly bears?  I was carrying two cans of bear spray this summer on my mountain bike.  I watch scary videos on bear attacks, as well as videos about 'the best handguns for bear defense.'  If grizzlies and mountain lions are such superb predators, how can wild turkeys exist?  How do cows and their calves exist in the forest?
