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The Earth's Axis Flips?

A couple posts ago I speculated about Turkey's realignment towards the Eurasian block.  Since then, a real game-changer has come along: Saudi Arabia might be joining BRICS+.  If that happens, it will be like the earth's spin or tilt has changed!  

 This subject has gotten a bit of attention in the media but not as much as it deserves, perhaps because it is an ongoing process instead of an all-at-once news item.  Just think how much time we spend watching news that is unimportant, while something of earth-shaking importance is fairly neglected!

Where can a person learn more about this topic?


Ed said…
If I do a Search for "Saudi Arabia might be joining BRICS+" using the ecosia search engine I find two pages of websites that are reporting on it. None of them are MainStream Media!

The MSM seems to be covering this development by ignoring it and hope it goes away. They will provide some 'spin' on the story when they get their marching orders.
Ed, The process of joining might be spread out over time, so it might be awhile before there is much to read on this topic.