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A Better Veterans Day

Since Veterans Day speeches in the USA have a way of glorifying the US military, interventionism, and a planet ruled by the Pentagon, some improvement is desperately needed.

Does somebody deserve maudlin remembrance for getting unlucky as cannon fodder in some useless war that politicians tricked a country into?

But what about the positive aspects of the martial tradition?  Those should be honored on Veterans Day.  And there are opportunities to do so.

Let's start by honoring the brave militia members in the Donbass region, who have been shelled by NATO/Ukrainian artillery for the last eight years.  They have been performing a soldier's highest duty: protecting his family and people from invasion by a foreign power.  Since 2014, Ukraine has had an illegitimate government imposed by neocon warmongers in Washington DC. The people of the Donbass are Russian speakers for the most part.  They are tied to Russia historically, culturally, and religiously.  NATO is a foreign power that has been invading them.


Anonymous said…

Feel free to choose black or white, but the picture has a complex history.