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Predictions on the Taiwan/Pelosi Crisis

I just finished watching a video from "theDuran" on the Telegram platform.  They usually talk about geo-political topics or the war in Ukraine.  I have a high opinion of Alex and Alexander, and donate something to them on a monthly basis.

Alexander played up the tension and risk of Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. He is wrong.  It is not a geo-political crisis, like the Cuban Missile Crisis during the Kennedy years.

It is pure show business.  Show business, PR, propaganda, spin, and narrative control are all that is left of a rapidly declining Global Bully, that is, Washington, D.C.

The tougher an American president looks on the global stage, the more his poll numbers will go up, and Biden is desperate for anything that improves his prospects.  Americans still have this notion that God appointed them to run some sort of global crusade for 'freedom and democracy', despite America itself becoming less free every year, and especially since 9/11/2001.

Besides looking tough instead of like an old man who flubs his lines in public speeches, stagflation will recede from the news.

Don't worry about any American aircraft carriers going to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.  Here is how the reality TV show will play out:  after both sides have scored as many points with the local yokels as they are likely to get, and the American "news" industry is starting to become bored, the Biden administration will force the Chinese to surrender on item A.  It will look like a giant victory for Biden.

Of course Biden will have to surrender on item B.  But that won't be reported in the American media.  If somebody in the "alt" media points it out, they will simply be de-monetized, deplatformed, their job will be taken away from them, or their back account will be seized.  They will be either ignored or dismissed as a conspiracy kook or a Putin stooge.

China has a good reason to appear to blink first, and help Biden and his party. The more power Biden and the Democrats retain, the quicker America will circle the drain, and the sooner the Uni-Power Era ends.

The ultimate success for Biden would be if China (secretly) agrees to release another virus from one of its labs around 01 October.  But this time, it will be announced as really serious.  Not only will mail-in voting be allowed, but it will be mandatory.  The voting will be online only. Google, Twitter, and Facebook will be given the responsibility to do all the counting.  They will give a big government contract to brilliant mathematicians from prestigious universities to perfect the algorithm for counting the votes. 

And Nancy Pelosi will be back in the House of Representatives, reminding people to follow the Science.


Yankeeflyer said…
The sky is falling! The sky is falling !