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Best Reason For Not Attending Mass RV Rallies in Quartzsite

I can't remember whether I attended Quartzsite mass events more the twice. Naturally it was at the beginning of my career. The reasons for avoiding them ever since should be obvious, but the most important reason takes more thought.

As the sub-title of this blog says, this blog is about travel from the point of view of an early retiree -- despite the fact that I am now the standard retirement age.

An early retiree used to take some pride in 'marching to the tune of a different drummer.' There was some uncertainty in what he was attempting to do. Would he use his time well? Would the lifestyle be admirable, or would it just be an extended scenery vacation? It was an adventure -- and one that had to be worked out on a personal level. 

But when you attend mass RV rallies, you see the industry reduce the lifestyle to a stereotype. The adventure has become a formula. It no longer has to be worked out on an individual basis.

The newbie just has to go to discussion forums, blogs, and Yoob Toob vlogs, and look up the answer 'in the back of the book.'

You can no longer see your life as a deliberate choice. Now you are just one more American consumer, chasing gadgets, rigs, specialized equipment, and status symbols.

Ironically this is even true for groups like the Rubber Tramps. Especially them.


It has been a long time since I totally agreed with one of your blogs but tonight I am in total agreement with you. To me it seems it is getting noticeably worse in the last couple of years.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Of course attending mass events is a matter of personal preference. I can see doing it when one was a newbie. The experience of ā€œbeing thereā€ would be exciting, similar to a kid going to a circus. Maybe some things are better learned in the round. Also, many folks enjoy the camaraderie at these events. You are a loner and seem to thrive on that. Nothing wrong with that. Personally, the huge mob scenes arenā€™t for me. I do enjoy smaller affinity gatherings of folks who share my motorhome brand.
