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BREAKING NEWS... Russians Put Kavanaugh on Supreme Court

Boris & Natasha (*) are at it again. Wasn't it bad enough that they installed their agent in the White House in 2016?! But now they appear to be on the verge of installing another agent on the US Supreme Court...unless there is some 11th hour and 59th minute surprise. 

The mainstream media hasn't quite yet broken the bad news to the public. But I owed it to the readers to do so. Nobody else will commit quite yet -- except maybe "The Onion."

(*) For the benefit of young readers, there was a cartoon back in the Cold War, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, that featured two Russky spies, Boris and Natasha. 


Bill said…
Exactly why the upcoming midterm elections are the most important of our time to restore a modicum of checks and balance.
Thank goodness all the sane folks are supporting President Trump.
Yankeeflyer said…
Now we have a president and two supreme court appointees to make a mother proud !
It doesn't seem that the readers are taking this post in the tongue-in-cheek sense it was written in. For that, I apologize. But I was so sick of the viciousness of the battle that it seemed worthwhile to make fun of it.
Bon vivant said…
I got your drift. Was just thinking yesterday, Why not? Why not have a supreme Court Justice who'll interpret any idea based on his obviously biased agenda? I mean, our President acts in his own interests before the nation he supposedly loves . . .