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Smiling at a Road Repair Delay

I was checking out dispersed camping opportunities near Grants, New Mexico. Specifically I was driving along the side of El Malpais (the Badlands) national monument, a huge and rather recent volcanic lava field, all jumbled and black. Then I encountered a road crew doing some road repair. The flagman stopped my direction of traffic. Traffic was light so I didn't expect a long wait.

But after 10 minutes of waiting I was starting to get irked. Finally the escort truck came to our end, reversed his direction, and led us off. Some monstrous truck was laying down a 2 foot high strip of hot steaming smelly asphalt, followed by another machine that spread it out to a uniform 4 inch thickness. Hey wait a minute...

All of a sudden I started smiling, if not giggling out loud. There was something about the juxtaposition that was just plain cute. 


Anonymous said…
I give up. What is it?
Randy said…
I give up too---but I'll guess. The truck is doing what mother nature did poring out the volcanic lava just to the side of the road.
(I'm expecting you to explain the irony--or joke tomorrow)
Teri said…
"Cute" is not a word I expect to read on your posts.
Anonymous said…
Asphalt was the mountain of "lava" lol :)
This better be good...
Box Canyon Mark
Randy, well of course you gave the explanation. It seemed funny to me to enjoy a road delay. It's the first time, and probably the last, that that ever happened. And it couldn't have happened at a better place.

Unless we stay alert and appreciate the local genius of time and place, what is the point of traveling? It's just a waste of gasoline and money.
Teri, what is so surprising about the word 'cute'? You just don't know what a little snuggle bunny I am!
Cheryl said…
The longest road delay I had this past summer was near the Oregon/Nevada border. It was actually 1/2 hour, but I got out and stretched, etc...

I made the connection before I read Randy's comment - yes, it does seem a little ironic.
Anonymous said…
Boonie, "stay alert and apprecitate the local genius of time and place". I think that is profound.

On the other hand, snuggle bunny? Pleeeeeeez