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Valentine's Day: Pulling Down the Goddess's Statue

Once again it's time for the annual Valentine's Day peroration. Hopefully this version won't make me as unpopular as the last one. It would be nice to have the advantage of my boondocking neighbor: she nonchalantly dismisses RV wives as "all needing mansions on wheels" or being afraid to dry camp and preferring to stay in RV parks with hookups. Nobody is offended when she says it. I should be so lucky.

I probably wouldn't be writing any of this if an ad during the Super Bowl hadn't outraged me. Yes, outraged -- somebody who isn't a part of TV culture can retain the ability to be outraged at cultural depravity. The ad featured a half-nude "ho" giving a pitch for some kind of Valentine's Day goodie that men were supposed to remember to buy for their honeys. Her punchline went something like, "It's simple, guys. Give and ye shall receive. (wink, wink.)"

Try to imagine the male analogue of that trashy ad. I can't come up with a thing that is remotely comparable. When the "double standard" is to their detriment, it will earn you a scolding for being politically incorrect; or it might land you in jail. But if it's to their advantage, the double standard is not only permitted, but it is mandatory; and any man who refuses to pay obeisance to these spoiled overgrown schoolgirls is seen as a misogynist who hated his mother.

I'm still waiting for new spouse-abuse laws to be passed that punish a spouse for shrewish nagging, crying (to get his/her way), and withholding sex.

But I let all this go. Next time I want to discuss how Venus and Aphrodite get in the way of choosing lifestyle alternatives.


Bobbie saidā€¦
You know who writes those ads, don't you. MEN! :-)
Bob saidā€¦
Yes, but She was SO Hot. Forgive me :)
Pam saidā€¦
Those ads upset the ladies who aren't spoiled overgrown schoolgirls too. Hate the whole idea of Valentine's Day...really, it's true! Like I told my 21 year old daughter yesterday, Valentine's Day is for amateurs - mature people who really love each other show it every day in the little things they do not the things they buy once a year. I keep hoping this attitude will catch on someday and become the norm and not the exception. Don't get me started on the half-nude "hos" that are portrayed in the mainstream media as what women should be like!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Yes, it is undoubtedly true that women instinctively and unconsciously know that making themselves more sexual increases male attention which is a prerequisite to their ultimate programmed goal: motherhood. Men are programmed to do their part so they can't help noticing anything and everything sexual. Undoubtedly Valentine's Day as it is currently is pretty much commercially driven but all this misses the real point, in my opinion. You don't need Valentine's Day to create the sexual nature of male/female attraction or commercial gain. I suppose I still like to see the world thru rose-colored glasses a bit and I'm glad for these breakthru moments because most of what I see isn't so pretty. But I believe that in most relationships most people are guilty of many acts of omission. Quick to point out what needs improvement but quite negligent to point out the positives and to remember to say "thank you" and "I appreciate you." I would like to think that this is the real message of Valentine's Day.
Unknown saidā€¦
I think you'll appreciate this - a woman who at least tells it like it is...not "give and ye shall receive," but "give or I'll slice your ass to pieces."