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Art Imitating Life and Vice Versa

On a human level we're all happy that the Chilean miners got out safely. But let's look at it as a media/entertainment product. Isn't it amazing that ye olde 'men trapped in a mine' drama still works in the internet age?!

By dumb luck Ace in the Hole arrived on the same day. The movie was made in 1951 by the wonderful Billy Wilder (Double Indemnity, Sunset Boulevard, Stalag 17, The Apartment, Sabrina, etc.) In it, Kirk Douglas is a reporter who is trying for a comeback. He accidentally comes upon a situation that might turn into a big-time story: a man is trapped underground at some Indian ruins in New Mexico. Kirk Douglas takes over the situation and cynically twists it into a headline grabber.

Although the Media couldn't admit it out loud, the Chilean miner story turned out to be an anti-climax. As Kirk Douglas said in the movie, Bad News is news; Good News is no news at all. The Chilean miner rescue was so orchestrated with safety precautions, high budgets, teams of experts, and camera-grabbing politicians, that it was as boring as a NASA mission. Worst of all is the psychological hand-holding that the miners will now be insulted with. Where is the real drama that the same story would have had in 1951?

Once again, congratulations to the real-world miners.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Let the next film you watch be 'Social Network' about the Facebook founder. Maybe you will find it less boring.
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Netflix might have it in a few months. In the mean time I will believe the Telegraph's and your recommendation.