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Western Kingbird in its Native Habitat

In the field you do have to struggle to see the yellow breast of some birds, which Bobbie and Dixxe helped me identify as a western kingbird. Soon the migrating birds, of both wing and wheel, will start coming through. I hope the performance is as much fun as last year. Northern flickers were the first invaders.


Sondra said…
Ive been a birder for many years and the meadowlark is one of my favorites, I love the song and the bird is a beauty...
I think that is a western kingbird in your photo, they are ferocious bug eaters (tyrant flycatchers) and do much good for humans in that respect-here is a photo for comparrision.

the meadowlark has a black bib on his throat- check this photo-
Bobbie said…
Oops, Think that might be a Western Kingbird