I saw the prominent white breast of an owl or raptor, who was resting on the top of a saguaro and facing the morning sun. Quick -- grab the smartphone. Yea, with its mighty 3X optical zoom! And digital zoom only goes so far.
I really wanted it to be an owl. Sigh! How I miss having a real camera with a telescoping 20X optical zoom. I even started looking at You Tube videos on the latest digital cameras of that type. They still make them, you know.
But it is easy to get used to just carrying a smartphone. I have learned the hard way that a mountain biker should not carry a real and blocky camera on a waistbelt. Even more, it gets discouraging to see the plastic moving parts of a telescoping camera fail after a couple years, or sooner if you drop it. Or maybe it was just a grain of sand that got in the gap between those plastic barrels, all those years.
But who wants to lug around a bag-full of DLSR camera? I don't know what the answer is. Perhaps I should first think about a good camera case over the front handlebars.
Sigh. |