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An American Runt With a Big Mouth

How many Americans were proud of their president appearing on stage with a genocidal maniac, while he vomited nonsense about America taking over Gaza?  What an opportunity for a political cartoonist!  They could start with one of the famous photographs from the Al Ghraib prison and torture era:

 Then the cartoonist could label the American female soldier on the left of the photo "Miriam Adelson."  And redraw her image to look a little more like the billionaire's widow.

The naked male Iraqi prisoner on the floor with the leash could be labelled "Trump", and also get redrawn to look more like Trump.

I am so tired of the macho loud-mouth behavior of Donald Trump.  In fact he is a runt, a coward.   His behavior around Adelson and Netanyahu proves that.

Speaking of runts, when was the last time the Muslim world in the Mideast had a real leader with some stature, like Nasser, Ataturk, or Saladin?  Extraordinary times are said to sometimes give rise to an extraordinary leader, but I see no evidence of that in the Muslim nations around Israel.  Their leaders seem like corrupt kleptocrats.


Barb in FL said…
Someone told me DJT pushed in BB's chair when he sat down. What?! Is that like Prince Charles getting poked in the chest by Rothschild? The first foreign visitor. Of course. This is what it is all about. Our dual citizen government finally has the top stooge to do Israel's bidding. I couldn't watch their dual press conference. Turned it off once BB the Liar started in. Have you seen the old video where BB is talking to his family and he tells them how the US will act when Israel does their crap? Very telling. Look for the picture of Susie Wiles face when the Don makes his announcement that the US will clean up the GAZA mess. I was watching BB's and he had a bit of a smirk on his face. Susie was not amused. Of course the camera's were not on her, but the press picked it up. She likes to hide.
Barb in FL said…
Update: His loud mouth got Jordan and Egypt to step right up and offer to do it.