How many Americans were proud of their president appearing on stage with a genocidal maniac, while he vomited nonsense about America taking over Gaza? What an opportunity for a political cartoonist! They could start with one of the famous photographs from the Al Ghraib prison and torture era:
Then the cartoonist could label the American female soldier on the left of the photo "Miriam Adelson." And redraw her image to look a little more like the billionaire's widow.
The naked male Iraqi prisoner on the floor with the leash could be labelled "Trump", and also get redrawn to look more like Trump.
I am so tired of the macho loud-mouth behavior of Donald Trump. In fact he is a runt, a coward. His behavior around Adelson and Netanyahu proves that.
Speaking of runts, when was the last time the Muslim world in the Mideast had a real leader with some stature, like Nasser, Ataturk, or Saladin? Extraordinary times are said to sometimes give rise to an extraordinary leader, but I see no evidence of that in the Muslim nations around Israel. Their leaders seem like corrupt kleptocrats.