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Conquering the Public Library

One of the difficulties of RVing with a dog is that the silly beast becomes spoiled.  They see their owner all the time.  Perhaps the owner should deliberately spend some time away from the dog, now and then.

When I came back from town the other day, here is the welcome that was waiting for me:

 Well, it certainly is a dog-friendly town, here in southeastern Arizona.  Perhaps too friendly.


But actually it works pretty well to allow dogs into the public library.  I didn't bring mine in.  But one of the librarians asked me if the white van was mine, and she said that the little dog inside had half-crawled out of the window, and should come inside the library.  Then the librarian went out and retrieved my dog.

My little dog put on quite the performance for three lady librarians.  Soon they had her on the rug where they take photos of dogs for what I call the Readers Club.

It is so rare to find small towns in America that are distinctive.   They usually seem content to be "Nowheres-ville."  A Dollar Store, a gas station/convenience store, and way too many churches, usually built out of a mobile home.  How do you reconcile that with America being the 'land of the free and the home of the brave?'
