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What the Election Will Decide

 Caitlin Johnstone has been on fire lately, making fun of the seriousness the presidential election is regarded with.  She doesn't see the big deal about whether America becomes the enabler of genocide in Gaza with a MAGA hat on, or whether it goes on as the enabler of genocide with a rainbow flag. 

She is right.  All this election will settle is who the next Zionist-in-Chief will be.

What if there were a candidate who described Israel as 'Satan's chosen people?'  Would that be considered hate speech?  Indeed, it is -- against Satan.

No matter who the new president is, America will drown in debt, suffer years of high inflation, and fight wars around the world in the name of 'freedom and democracy,' as it becomes less free and democratic every day.

Is that too pessimistic?  When a country as prominent and large as the USA can only produce candidates like these two fools, how can anything be too pessimistic?


Barb in FL said…
Another one of those "the lesser of two evils" vote. If they matter at all. What if they held an election and nobody came? Fun to think about. How/who would they declare the winner?
Barb, I thought I read once that some states were allowing people to vote for "none of the above."
Ed said…
Who serves if "None Of The Above" wins? Does the office remain unfilled? Some bureaucrat would certainly assume power.
Ed, that is an interesting question about what happens if "None of the Above" wins. I don't know the answer.