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Bang for the Buck, During Hunting Season

 It is the quiet season.  Hunting season.  That is a bit ironic, isn't it?

I started my annual invasion of Utah a couple weeks early this year.  It was quite a surprise to see so many hunters.  A couple of them explained that a change in the legal hunting season this year has resulted in more elk hunters.

I never hear any guns during hunting season.  Just think of all the equipment these guys own, the fees, and all the trouble they go to; and apparently, most of them never get a shot off.

Maybe they see hunting season as just an excuse to drive around in their side-by-sides in cool refreshing weather, camp with the boys, and escape the women-folk for a few days.

It can be enjoyable to be exposed to the culture and comradery of sports that you know nothing about it.  I have experienced this with mule-handlers and long-distance horse riders.  Even hang gliders, a couple times.  I wish it happened more often.  Fly fishing culture interests me; identifying  animal tracks; learning survival skills.

Not everything is recreation.  It is possible to have interesting conversations with gas-field workers, ranchers, firewood collectors, and road-grader operators!  It takes some luck and skill to talk to guys who have a job to do.  Ranching, in particular, is something that would be fun to know more about.  It is what the land in the western states is best at.  Oddly enough, I have never had a chance to talk to a logger.

It seems counter-intuitive but normally I avoid hikers and even mountain bikers, probably because they are part of the culture of the big cities.  Oddly I am turned off by most campers, who seem like mere scenery tourists and generator-morons.


Barb in FL saidā€¦
"culture and comradery of sports" - also, hobbies.
When talking or overhearing talk of one of these groups, I'm intrigued by the vocabulary used. Seems every group has their own list of words they use describing what is going on within the group. Talking to my sister about showing dogs, for example. Like Alpha bitch, jaw & hip dysplasia, different colorings, (merles, roans, harlequins) etc. Sure makes it sound like they know what's what :o)
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Barb, Have you ever attended a dog show in the backstage area, and listened in on the conversations people are having? I remember that comedy movie, "Best in Show."
Barb in FL saidā€¦
Yes, once and they are a different "breed". :o)