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The End of Pen and Paper

How often do you still use pen and paper?  I was down to one last application: my grocery list.  I have left a (5" x 8") note pad in grocery carts all over the western states.  Finally, I couldn't take it anymore!  So the notepad was replaced by a reminder app on the smartphone.

You mean that damn phone is taking over one more part of life!  It has become easier to push the microphone button on the phone to add an item to the grocery list than to look for a pen and notepad.  

Why was I getting so emotional about this?  For instance, how long has it been since I sent a handwritten note on a piece of paper to somebody else?  It was probably back in the 1980s when we starting using a personal computer and a printer to replace the handwritten note.  This seemed like a kind and respectful thing, since most people's handwriting is pretty bad.

Then we got rid of the printer, because email came along.  These changes seemed like progress at the time.  I had no nostalgic loyalties to handwritten notes. 

But I was clinging to that last application of pen and paper, the grocery list.  Silly, I know.  I have no nostalgic loyalties to clay tablets either.  Or papyrus.  Parchment (animal skin) was around for centuries.  It was used to write the U.S. Constitution.  But how many of us have ever used parchment?

And besides, you can't find a damn pen when you need one.



Ed said…
I still use a 3x5 card for my grocery list. I also use a 3x5 card for my driving route directions. If 3x5 card were no longer available I would go back to clay tablets, papyrus or parchment. No device for me for those two list.

However, email rather than a handwritten note is progress.
We are still using the written lists that we make before going shopping. We also use Calendars for keeping track of occasions or appointments. We use Calculators to figure lengthy processes, that we used to do in our heads. Our kids get upset when we don't respond to their Texts. We use our Cell Phones as Phones only. We like the simpler times.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.
Ed, the 3x5 card idea has the advantage of being stiff, so it slides into a pocket without getting mangled up. I might try it.

Rick and Kathy, phones are OK, but they present problems to somebody who is camped at the outer limits of coverage. And I always call the other person at an inconvenient time for them.
I find that I use both systems. The electronics are great lots of the time but written notes are still easier for me to read most of the time. Plus holding a phone in my hand while driving is usually illegal but looking at a note card is not yet,
va7rod said…
check out the shopping list app. It allows you to keep multple lists. Can be typed in or voice recorded. Can be printed out if you want a paper list
Steve said…
I still have a 5x8 notepad next to my computer monitor and use it when I am looking at options or internet research. But for a grocery list I use the Note problem on my iPhone.
Barb in FL said…
I got rid of my cell phone and put the landline back in. (Can't do that in an RV though.) I use 3x5's or scrap paper for grocery lists in my pocket. Stuff disappears if we don't use it enough so I use cash & sometimes checks & snail mail. I also send cards to kids with $2 bills for the different holidays. Kids love to get mail. Just bought a box of mechanical pencils for suduko books & my address book. People move so don't like to use ink. If the grid goes down will we need pony express?