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The Judeo-Christian Tradition on Display Under Gaza's Rubble

 From time to time I reread Carl Becker's "The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth Century Philosophers."  It is a short and delightful book, written by a history professor of all things! It always brings a smile to my face to read, "They courageously discussed atheism, but not before the servants."

That issue always came up when post-Christians ask whether God actually exists: "...but where would morality come from, if there was no God?"

Keep that old trope in mind when you watch videos of Gazan children being pulled out of the rubble left by the Judeo-Christian tradition, acting through its military technology.  Great work, YHWH!  You were always such a charmer.  



Anonymous said…
When scientists reveal intricate patterns, sequences, systems working together, numbers, inner workings of cells belonging to plants, things, animals and people, do they believe it is all just happenstance? Or is it a miracle that everything is the way it is, unfolding in perfection? Kind of hard to say there is no God when you need God to say there isn't one.

These books written by men, I'm not so sure it hasn't been the biggest of all the lies, lasting over 2000 years. The stories are much, much older. Gilgamesh is the oldest story but Summerian in origin.