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A Few Stickers and Thorns are Worth It

The Little Cute One has made me pick her up a couple times, now that we are back in Utah and stickers.  At least there aren't a lot of thorns in this part of northeastern Utah.  

Actually we are both being good sports about the stickers, because it is so good to enjoy autumn coolness, the absence of flying insects and rattlesnakes, and walking in arroyos again.  Walking in arroyos is something you don't do in the more northern states in the summer: water flows in the creeks up there!  So I missed these Utah arroyos.

People who don't have dogs may not know what they are missing with cool dry air and walkable arroyos.  I never go to arroyos that are big brand names of the tourist industry.  I just use what is immediately available, right from my campsite.  More times than not, there are pleasant surprises to be found.

The best times come from going with human friends and their animals.  Here is a photo from a Utah arroyo last year.

Dogs are chasing scents of course.  But sometimes they just seem curious about where the path is going, as my second dog, Coffee Girl, seemed in this small vertical slot canyon:

Sometimes dogs can seem playful and mischievous with arroyos.  That's OK.  They can't really hurt themselves. 

You do have to keep small dogs close to you because of the coyotes, though.  Actually I get a little nervous when small dogs investigate holes in rocks that seem like good nests for various critters.  But it is pretty hard to stop them.

Pancho, the little man who started my outdoor life with dogs.
