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Palestine Rescues NATO

The various regimes of NATO including the Democrat party in the US must be feeling tremendous relief this weekend.  They were headed into a US election season owning a military debacle in Ukraine, inflation, and energy shortages.  They were going to have to explain to their peasants why they lied to them for years about the war in Ukraine.

But now they have a chance to escape, thanks to Hamas in the Gaza Strip.  The Ukraine War can be allowed to fall "beneath the fold", to use an old newspaper metaphor.  The Israeli destruction of Gaza will become the "above the fold" story.

All NATO will support Israel against the 'unprovoked' attack by Hamas, for 'as long as it takes.'  It will make NATO peasants feel 10 feet tall to look at their Asian-made television screens and see Israeli jets obliterating 'suspected terrorist' facilities in Gaza.  Americans will once again feel they are the 'indispensable' nation and are blessed with the 'greatest military ever.'

In non-NATO countries people will say that Gazan civilians are dying in their own hovels for no reason.  But those complaints will not be heard in the regime-media outlets of NATO.

Perhaps NATO will learn a lesson from this: forget Finland and Sweden.  Bring Israel into NATO.  Make NATO great again.


Anonymous said…
Look over here! Look over here!
Don't look at Joe, Hunter, Nancy, and the rest.
We want war! We want the draft!
We want to kill off the population!
What do you mean you don't want to support Israel?
How dare you after all your decades of money!
Israel first. We're the chosen. You must support us!
Nope. You have our money. You have your Iron Dome we paid for.
Suck it up, you caused this.