Does it make sense to get interested in repairing your own car, especially if you aren't in a position to work on it, or because you are a traveler, lack a garage or machine shop, or are old and stiff? A You Tube channel warned me that repair shops usually talk you into replacing your brake pads before their time, because of concern for the shop's liability, or because they assume customers won't check the pads themselves. Thus inspired, I removed the wheel and went to work. Besides, I needed practice removing the wheel in case of a flat tire or to enable closer inspection of things. It was fun to learn that my brakes pads had a lot of material left on them. By chance I looked up and found this: Dead center in the photo, an electrical cable is resting on top of a bolt head. "Resting?" Like hell. I could see the cable being deformed by the sharp 90 degree angle of the bolt head. On my first van, 15 years ago, I suffered my most expensive and f...