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Schadenfreude over the Tourism Industry

Yes, I am ashamed of myself. But I'm not the only scoundrel who is wallowing in schadenfreude over the demise of the tourism industry.

Really folks, it was getting ridiculous before the virus came along and saved us.
  1. All those people living in their vans. 
  2. All those clowns showing up in campgrounds at 11:30 p.m., and then slamming car doors for the next hour or two.
  3. Every other vehicle in America having four wheel drive, and the ability to pollute the backcountry with their presence.
  4. Gigantic house-sized fifth-wheel trailers with open frame generators from China.
  5. Reservations, rules, fees.
  6. Loud music playing half the night.
  7. Pickup trucks that require step-ladders to enter. 
  8. Side-by-side UTVs everywhere, blasting by at high speed.
  9. Lines outside restaurants with boutique food at high prices. 
  10. McMansions popping up on every square foot of private land that can be said to have a "view."
In other words, every place was getting as crowded as Colorado. 

And now it is in shambles! How wonderful. I hope it takes years to recover. Why not fantasize of a wonderful new world, when places like Las Vegas blow away into the dust.



Yes it has had its good features for sure.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Theyā€™ll be BACK!!!