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Predictions About Post-Virus World

How much you wanna bet that after the virus-panic is over, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) is elevated to a cabinet-level department? It will waste more money than the Department of Homeland Defense, the monstrosity that was born after the panic of 9/11.

Five years after the Department of Disease Control is created, it will be working on a labyrinth of regulations about how many chocolate chip cookies you are allowed to eat per month. It will expand its mission into automobile safety -- at least 6 hand sanitizer dispensers will be built into dashboards and the backs of seats. If they aren't used each time you get into "your" car, beepers and alarms will go off, and the car will be locked in the off position.

But it would be enjoyable to visualize some beneficial changes to our institutions, brought on by this panic. 

Just think of the improvements possible if we abandon fast-food outlets and Starbucks.

Maybe Wall Street will be fundamentally changed. Since Wall Street lives on nothing more than free money from the Federal Reserve, why doesn't the Federal Reserve print the money up and mail it directly to each citizen? In other words, get rid of Wall Street as the "middleman." What purpose does Wall Street actually serve?

The healthcare system in the US should be scrapped, and we should start over again.

What about the Pentagon? How many virus deaths would we need, and how much economic dislocation would we have to suffer, before people would start thinking that we just can't afford these bums anymore?  

I read that some colleges have moved instruction online for two weeks. Why not permanently? When is the world going to get it through its head that brick-and-mortar colleges are as obsolete as brick-and-mortar video rental or travel agents? 

Imagine college freshmen sitting (uselessly) in a classroom while the professor scribbles verbiage and a few simple equations on a black board. Look at how much cheaper it would be to hire a (half starving) "post-doc" in India or China to write the lessons for standard Econ 101 instruction. Then you make a million copies of it, and put it online, at virtually no cost.

Maybe people will soon be mocking the virus panic 'back there' in 2020. It will be used as an object lesson of how enslaved we are to the Media, especially when the Media wants to damage a president.

I would like to imagine something good happening. Yes, it is just wishful thinking. But I will do it anyway.


Yankeeflyer saidā€¦
The sky is falling ! The sky is falling !
Ed saidā€¦
I can see your Department of Disease Control happening but think there are even greater things to come.

President Trump has invoked the Defense Production Act which I think will remain active for many years to come. The United States will have a more direct governmental 'command and control' economy. Much more like that of China than what we have had during the past 75 years with a governmental 'regulation' driven economy.
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Let no crisis go to waste! (Sarcasm)