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Can Motor Vehicle Shopping Be Fun?

I pined for a new trailer for years, did my homework, but then waited until I reached the age where you could withdraw funds from your IRA without paying an extra penalty. Since I bought a plain vanilla cargo trailer, and spent two months converting it into a real travel trailer, the experience seemed like quite a memorable adventure.

In an analogous fashion, it is now time to buy a newer tow vehicle, since I have transitioned from ObamaCare to Medicare, and can forget about the loss of subsidy that would be caused by a spike in income.

But will buying a new tow vehicle be fun or adventurous? I am having my doubts. I am not going to convert the tow vehicle -- I will just buy it. Doing mechanical work on a motor vehicle is my least favorite thing to do.

If you were repainting a bedroom, you might make it more fun by at least changing the colors! But my newer tow vehicle will have to be a van, just like the old one. Nothing else makes any sense. 

  1. Truck-based SUVs are hardly available anymore, and would be over-priced if they were still available.
  2. Car-based CUVs, so-called 'crossover utility vehicles' look like poor tow vehicles, and their ground clearance is mediocre. Storage inside is limited. Hell, they're just cars.
  3. Pickup trucks are outrageously over-priced, too big, and desirable to thieves. They have little inside storage, which is the only kind of storage that "counts." They are a travesty.

We have all heard somebody complaining about how hard they are thinking about solving some conundrum in their life, but there "just ain't no solution," according to them. When you try to suggest something, they immediately shoot your idea down. Finally you give up because you decide that the moper is trying to impose six demands on the situation, and they just aren't willing to budge on any of them, so why waste your time on them?

Do you see how I box myself into a corner with this brutally utilitarian (aka, 'brutalitarian') mindset? No wonder I can't have any fun!  

So I will end with a white box on four wheels. How exciting! What am I overlooking?

from pinterest


Anonymous saidā€¦
"What am I overlooking?" You are overlooking the fact that you can choose a different color than white. Jazz up that campsite a bit with a red van.

kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Thanks for the link, Chris. Useful for many people, but it doesn't provide the sort of information a "brutalitarian" would want.
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Chris, you could literally fry an egg on a non-white color in the Southwestern sun.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Curious, kB, what brand(s), model(s) are you considering?

kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Chris, am considering a GMC Savana/Chevy Express cargo van with less than 50000 miles.
Ed saidā€¦
A quick search shows that there are quite a few Chevy Express cargo vans available in AZ - white ones. Not as many GMCs but there were not as many sold new. The few I found where also white.

You have to have additional filters other than less than 50,000 miles or would have found a white one by now.
Anonymous saidā€¦
What about a Suburban or the Nissan NV?
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Anonymous, Both the Suburban and Nissan NV van would be practical tow vehicles for my purposes, but of course the Suburban is priced high, like a luxury SUV or pickup truck.

Nissan NV still interests me, but there aren't many available. Of course, I would only need one.