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Autumn Pleasures

A person could write forever about how wonderful autumn is. One of its understated virtues is its scratchy, dry texture. This is visually evident in tawny grass seedheads. 

On today's ride I brought my real camera (an Olympus TG-5) to look for sunflowers. They were found. It took a lot of looking but I am pleased I found a camera that has an adjustable aperture just by turning a knob, instead of the usual stepping through a complex menu that is virtually invisible in bright sunlight. I love blurry backgrounds.


My next camera will have a manual focus so I can have whatever part of the photo I want in focus instead of what some program says will be in focus.
Barney, and you might get what you want, without too much looking. After all, digital cameras are not selling well, because of competition from phones. So the camera manufacturers need to offer goodies to people that makes photography fun.
Steve said…
Those are two great photos ... thanks for posting them.