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A Well-Fed Cattle Drive

Perhaps it shouldn't have surprised me. After all, this is multiple-use public land. I drove around a corner on a narrow dirt road, and saw about 75 black cows walking toward me.

They certainly chose a good year. Look at all the greenery to munch on!

This experience seemed amusing to me because I have been watching old "Rawhide" television shows on DVDs.


I stopped and shut the engine off. The cows plodded slowly around my vehicle. There were what appeared to be three generations of a ranching family. The youngest was a girl about 10 years old.

Actually I really enjoyed seeing such an atavistic scene out of the "Old West." Somehow, the cowpersons seemed to sense my pleasure -- they gave me friendly waves and even talked a little to me.

But of course, there was no camera handy! 

It is funny how Hollywood made the cowboy life look glamorous and interesting. Whenever I have seen a cattle drive, the cowboys seemed hot and bored. Only once did a cattle drive seem interesting, and that was because I was focused on their herding dogs. The dogs had excitement and purpose squirting out their ears.

The plains of San Agustin, New Mexico.
My goodness, I am making myself nostalgic and misty-eyed. I will have to rewatch "Shane" tonight.


Rita from Phoenix saidā€¦
Cattle drives were never boring to me. It was always exciting to drive cattle with five sisters (no boys in family). Dad sometimes joined but mostly mom & dad drove the chuck wagon. Loved the meals prepared over open fire. Miss those days.