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Foreign Policy

It is rare pleasure to say something good about the Media. Lately I've been enjoying the high quality articles in the magazine, Foreign Policy, which I access through . Today it offers an editorial about Syria which really teaches the reader something. Precious.


Anonymous said…
At first I thought the author of your Editorial was playing the "fear" card, but after researching a bit about him, I decided otherwise, as he has the credentials and background to make the case as presented. However, I have doubts about whether extremism will play a major role in the Middle East, should the repressive regimes crumble. I think it is fairly established that extremism arises out of a sense of hopelessness, and the revolution sweeping through the Arab world gives many a sense of hope for the first time in their lives. Unquestionably this is most unsettling for the far right settler appeasing Israeli government, but should not present us with insurmountable difficulties. Call me naive, or throwing caution to the wind, but that's my position.

Tom in Orlando
Tom, "doubts about whether extremism will play a major role ...should the repressive regimes crumble."

My thoughts (and hopes) exactly! One reason why we confuse 'Arabs', 'Muslims', and 'terrorists" is that only Islamic fanatics have the strength to stand up to American-backed dictators. With those societies able to strive for something else...