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Guess Who Just Won the Election?

  What an iconic image for the history books! The Democratic Party knows what this photo alone portends, as if they couldn't already predict November's election results. But not everybody is miserable.  The Permanent Regime (aka, Deep State) also knew what was coming.  Since they had run out of options on the Democrat side, they had to operate on the Republican side. They needed a good way to snatch at least a partial victory from certain defeat, although Trump's first term should have eased their fears that he was any serious threat to their power and perks.  But perhaps he would have been more confident and assertive in his second term -- it was a serious concern for them. Do you really think that somebody in the Permanent Regime is going to lose their government job or cushy pension just because they allowed a visible shooter on a rooftop with line of sight to Trump?  Oh sure, there will be an investigation that moves at a glacial pace and is so convoluted that the publi

Offering Pabulum to the Masses

Whenever America starts a new war, or when some perfectly explainable tragedy happens, politicians mention "God" in every other sentence.  Does anyone really believe that those politicians believe in God?   Apparently the politicians have to offer references to "God" as pabulum to the masses. I was surfing You Tube channels after the event in Pennsylvania where "Trump fell to floor after some loud noises were heard."  (CNN's headline.)  Whenever the You Tube channel started talking about offering our prayers or god God GOD, I just turned it off.

Fluttering Away on a Rocky Ridge

I think a commenter was right about my dud flower-identification.  Now let's move onto a likely dud butterfly-identification.     I had just relocated camp and got interested in this guy: OK I claim it is a Western Tiger Swallowtail.  While knocking around on the internet, I was delighted to learn about the Oregon Swallowtail: Wouldn't it be great to spot this species!