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Showing posts from March, 2025

Real Nomads

The word, nomad, gets bandied about quite a bit these days, and it is not a complete misnomer.  Still, nomadism about looking at scenery or living off an internet job in a van is only convincing to a degree.  The latter don't need to move at all.  They really just need affordable   housing. By luck I ran into a marvelous documentary at the local library, "People of the Wind."   It is about real nomads in Iran.  The whole family gets involved in droving and caring for the many animals in their herds.  Most impressive to me were the scenes of the nomads pushing or carrying animals across a fast mountain stream.  (This tends to be an expensive DVD if you try to buy it, but you can stream it for free at It feels so good to come across high quality DVDs at a library, especially at unlikely places.  Why shouldn't librarians be more assertive about being curators, rather than just filling the shelves with standard trash movies? It...