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Spring Forward to Less Frustration

Ahh, Spring.  But it doesn't really live up to its image.  For one thing I leave Arizona before there any flowers to look at.

Since Arizona uses 'God's Time,' unlike the silly states in the rest of the country; and since I am still in Arizona, let's gloat by talking about the change of seasons a little bit today.  No matter how many springs a person has seen, there is still a stubborn tendency to expect temperatures to warm up
gradually.  Wrong idea!  This notion needs to be renounced once and for all.  It will save you unnecessary frustration.

Gradually is the key word.  The only things that happen gradually are higher angles of the sun and longer hours of daylight.

But temperatures do not warm up gradually in the normal sense of the word.  Temperatures toggle from winter to summer and back to winter.  They skip intermediate numbers, except in an immaterial mathematical sense of the word.

A graph of spring temperatures looks like a square-wave-pulse that is "duty cycle modulated."


The "up" pulses refer to summer, and the "down" refer to winter.  There is a gradual change in the duty cycle as spring proceeds, but at any moment of time it can only be summer or winter, and not halfway in between.

I am tired of fighting Mother Nature.  I surrender, and so, will not experience any more frustration in Spring.
