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My Favorite You Tube Channel

 What changes will occur with You Tube or with viewers' habits over time?  It is quite a guessing game.  As a viewer I am turning off channels that offer heavily accented English, tedious talking heads, interviewees that go into a 15 minutes speech, cacklers and frustrated comedians, and people who won't give a straight answer to a legitimate question.  Perhaps vaunted AI technology will someday do a better job of translating heavily accented jabbering into normal American speech.

It is easy to be a critic of You Tube screw-ups, and I certainly do my share of criticizing.  But today let's praise a You Tube channel.  Anybody who has been to an animal shelter to adopt a dog knows how important it is for the dog to audition well.  Some dogs are terrible at auditioning.  They are fearful and hide at the back of their pen and do not even make eye contact or wag their tail when a prospective customer approaches.  What happens to dogs like that?  Don't ask!

That is why I love the approach of Rocky Kanaka in his channel "Sitting With Dogs."  He deliberately chooses the poor auditioners and ever so gradually gets them out of their shell.  He never forces himself on them.  It is almost funny to see the poor dog coaxed out of whatever is bothering him.  Many times the dog eventually responds, and has a happy ending.  

I am having touchpad problems on my laptop right now.  Later...

...I bought a mouse for $15 at Walmart.  I am glad to be rid of that damn touchpad.

Rocky keeps the talk going steady for 45 minutes.  He soothes the dog and the viewer.  Seriously, you feel like you are getting free therapy.


Blog Author said…
I have followed him for the past 8 months. My problem is watching those videos, I want to adopt them all.
I always like the Happy Ending.
Seldom use the Touch Pad.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.
Come to think of it, I don't remember him sitting with a hound!
Don't you just hate it when you cheat by rushing the video to the end where you can see the happy ending!
Blog Author said…
I have never seen him with a hound either. Ive been told that most shelters will call a basset hound or bloodhound rescue to come and get them when they end up in the shelter for one reason or another. If you check my blog, I just adopted a bloodhound from one of those rescue services and picked him up today.