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An Unusual Spring Migration

It is easy to get nervous as we near the spring solstice.  But this is the time of year when a camper has the greatest opportunity to improve their life.  Extend.  Extend the bug-free season, extend good sleeping, extend sweat-free outdoor exercise. 

That is what I was thinking the other morning when I had a freshly-laundered poodle under the sleeping bag with me.  My little dog smelled like lavender-rosemary doggie shampoo.  There is a primal satisfaction to burrowing deeper and deeper underneath the sleeping bag, and seeing how few square inches of skin need to be exposed.

Spring migrations are easier than autumn migrations because the sun is at your back most of the way.  I really look forward to that.  For the first time in years I will migrate through Nevada.  Let's hope I can find a grocery store or two.

I have never done my spring migration by going northwest immediately and staying close to the Colorado River.  It is counter-intuitive to return that way, since I migrated downstream along the Colorado River in autumn.  Why repeat the route so quickly?  And I am not in love with the rubble.

But this is the best way I can get to western Idaho/eastern Oregon without going so far east and then backtracking to the west.  More importantly, the high altitudes of NM and UT keep a person too far south too late into spring.  Then, when you finally realize that it is getting warm, you have already missed early summer in the Northwest.  Early summer is the time to be there.  Late summer is the wildfire season.


Ed saidā€¦
Groceries in available in Pahrump, Hawthorne, Yerington and Reno; They are also available in Ely but I am guessing you will be staying on the western side of Nevada.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Wishing you the weather you wish on your migration.
Wish I was out there instead of wondering where to move to. FL is getting crowded. Thought about where I came from, but that has changed so much, too! "You can't go back again".
Garage sale this Saturday. Hopefully, will get rid of a bunch of stuff, much for free.
Always like to sniffle a fresh doggy! They seem to like it, too.
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Ed, you give me credit for being brave enough to go into a town as big as Reno!

I will use US95 as the spine of the trip. I hope Fallon has a grocery store, too.

kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Anonymous, "FL is getting crowded". Are you sure that is the right verb TENSE? (grin)
Not so much right now, but we used to play Dodgem with Tornadoes as we worked our way back home.
Stay Safe and Enjoy the ride.

It's about time.
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
Rick and Kathy, May sounds like a good month for dodging twisters across the mid-continent.
Ed saidā€¦
Yes, there are supermarkets in Fallon although I have never camped there. I was guessing you would be following 395 rather than 95 so did not include Winnemucca where I did stay and did shopm at the store there.
If you stay on 95 that buckaroo country north of Winnemucca to Boise is some fine country. I think you will enjoy it if you have never been that way before.