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Identity Politics in a Campground

It has been a long time since I have been this positive about the political scene in the US. But don't misinterpret me. The situation has become so surreal, on both sides, that it has become easy to laugh the whole thing off. And laughter is more positive than anger.

For instance, identity politics is drowning in its own absurdity. The other day I was invited to give my comments to a large corporation where I had recently made a large purchase. Considering the blue-state headquarters and clientele of this corporation, it shouldn't have surprised me to be asked about which gender I "identified" with.

What phoneys!  If they really wanted to liberate human beings, why not broaden the question to "which animal species do you identify with?"

I know my answer. The other day I was making the rounds at dawn at the campground. No members of homo sapiens were up and about. But several dogs were already living the good life. A society of dogs seemed to be sharing a secret life, with well established routines and activities. It was redolent of that scene in "My Fair Lady" when Eliza's working class folks were up in the pre-dawn hours, setting up their stalls in the marketplace, while their betters were sleeping off a late night of easy living and debauchery.

One labrador retriever followed my dog and me for about a half mile. He was completely quiet and good natured. Then he suddenly stopped on the road and wouldn't proceed further. He just sat on the road, looking at us.

Closer to home we encountered two dogs who were disporting, silently but briskly, just outside the tent where the homo sapien members of their tribe were still sleeping. There was something about the dogs' style that made me love them to pieces. They were so idyllic. 

It was dawn, and rather bright by now. Why were the homo sapiens still sleeping? There is nothing to do in camp when the sun goes down, so why not go to bed, arise early the next morning, and enjoy cool air, calmness, and blue skies?  But no, homo sapiens won't become active until the heat of the day.

Dogs have more sense. Therefore I "identify" with canine-Americans. But that wasn't one of the options that the broad-minded, tolerant, PC corporation offered on their questionnaire.
